Individual and group coaching offers the opportunity to explore the depth and breadth of what is present, take action steps forward, and make dreams a reality.

It was in you all along

Curiosity invites people on a journey toward discovery. Coaching is one way for leaders to learn and grow by uncovering the insights that dwell within. Individuals and/or groups will dig deeply to unearth truths for exploration. We will examine the treasures you find with a non-judgmental openness, brushing away the dust to see each discovery clearly. Once brought to the surface, you will be invited to piece together and implement actions, accomplish goals, and vision a way forward.



Mistakes are the way we learn

Perfection is not the goal! In a non-judgmental space, we will explore opportunities for learning and growth. Instead, individuals and groups will courageously explore the realities that have unfolded before them. Remember that some of the most transformational inventions and ideas came from supposed mistakes.




Coaching sessions can happen via virtually via Zoom, by phone, or in person (as applicable). Click here for more information about the difference between coaching, counseling, consulting, mentoring, and spiritual direction.

Contact me for a FREE initial session.